Spat crossword
Spat crossword

spat crossword

It only occurred to me after I submitted the puzzle that I had Reeves’s “Bill & Ted” co-star Alex Winter’s full name in the puzzle, with ALEX at 2D: and the aforementioned WINTER at 48D. I figured I could give you a helping hand here. Whenever you have a three-letter answer and the clue says “Mauna _,” you almost always have no choice but to work out the crossing answers to figure out if it’s KEA or LOA. Having both of them right next to each other, though, is fairly rare. Finding answers that can take identical clues always feels a bit lucky, if only because it can save me time from having to think of two different clues. 69D is DATA and 70D is ORES, both clued as.Ando invented instant ramen in the 1950s, then introduced them to the U.S. CRANE AREA HALE MCKELLAR AGE JAMI EDNA DEX OPEN SPAT Solution to : February 3, 1990 ADAM DATA. Since this is a puzzle about time, here’s a fun fact about Greenland sharks: They’re estimated to live more than 250 years. Hundreds of Crossword Puzzles from the TV Guide Archives. It shows the three American Sign Language letters for ASL. I had to give it a few months after I gave ARTEMIS the same treatment. There’s that “Hades”-related clue I’ve been waiting to give Ares. Formerly of The Washington Post, he now edits the website Press Watch.

spat crossword

This clue made me wonder if there are any TV shows that give separate names to their seasons like they do with their episodes (beyond, say, “Stranger Things 3” or “Stranger Things 4″). Finding new ways to clue OREO is the eternal struggle of just about every crossword constructor. Spat is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times.

Spat crossword