Duck commander duck calls
Duck commander duck calls

Joe: You think that high you think that much? In fact, in my opinion, if you just put facepaint on, you'll kill 25 percent more ducks. Joe: So facepaint is a mandatory Duck Commander routine and definitely kills more ducks? So you need to streak black, green and brown all over your face, so nothing but your eyeballs are showing. Next, once you get in there, the way a deer or a duck recognizes a human is by their face. Or they don't spend enough time before duck season so they are literally invisible. 1 mistake all duck hunters make is they do not conceal themselves well enough.

duck commander duck calls

What's the single biggest mistake you see most duck hunters make? I go into sporting-good stores now and see all the videos on the wall and just think, "Boy, we plowed the ground on that one…" From there, everywhere I went, people asked for my autograph. That was when I was asked for my first autograph from a little boy. About the time of "Duckman 3," they picked up our videos, and the rest is history. Someone liked his chicken the rest is history…" One day the buyer at Wal-Mart called me up to authorize me to do what I was already doing - selling to Wal-Mart. I said "Hey, Colonel Sanders started with one chicken somewhere, so give me a break here. I got a few started in Wal-Mart, just like selling watermelons. I was selling duck calls out of my truck, driving around. Phil: At that time, we had one serious problem we had no distribution. Joe: How, then, did the video business build to what it is now? We made that thing and took it to a studio. I lined them up, and we made the first video down in south Louisiana. I found some brothers up at the church who were camera buffs, but they had no video experience.

duck commander duck calls

I hadn't thought yet about who would film for me. It cost $750 a day, which I thought was highway robbery. I found people in Dallas who rented video cameras. At that time, camera equipment had a big old battery and the thing weighed 40 pounds. I think we ought to film ourselves shooting ducks I think people would buy that. One day, I was sitting there with my boys, and I said I can't figure out why these people around Stuttgart, I can't figure out why they don't have duck-hunting videos.


Phil: At that time, all the hunting we had ever seen on TV was Curt Gowdy on Wide World of Sports on Sunday evening.

duck commander duck calls

Joe: When did you produce your first video? Joe:When did you build your first duck call that was available for sale?

Duck commander duck calls